Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Holy Ants

I saw a few ants in our tub and decided that their doom would come earlier this year. I set out our deadly ant crack house (aka Grant's Kills Ants) at the edge of the tub.

They came a' marchin...

Lessons learned:
  1. Put the trap close to the hole
  2. If you failed to do #1, don't move the trap or they will scatter all over the place :)
Click to see the gory details


Layla said...

That is sooo gross. I'm disinfecting the tub ASAP! We will gain control over this house!

Diana said...

We had a few ants coming out of a crack in our tub in Provo too, but definitely not that many. That's disgusting!

Brock said...

I guess its gross, but at least I know the bait works :)

Diana said...

"Amazon has it..." Haha, do you get paid on commission? Jk. I actually looked it up on Amazon after I read it.

lindsey*jane said...

thankyou for your kind flattery :) i was spinning in a storm of emotion when i wrote that..but it was sure nice to get some feedback, especially since i think no one reads it. haha. love you bro