Monday, March 10, 2008

New song: Untitled

I have started to work on my next album. "Untitled" (I may name it later) will be the first song and is available for your listening pleasure on the Bjukebox. Most of this song came to me at work (of all places) and I recorded most of the tracks within the same day when I got home. It's about leaving behind the place you are at and starting a journey full of unknowns. That is sort of the concept I am aiming for, anyway.

Speaking of starting a journey, I have been trying to gather feedback on what direction others feel I should go based on what they heard from me before. There is a survey on the right-hand side of the page to you an opportunity to speak your mind. Of course, I may totally ignore what you have to say. We'll see :)


Marc Jorgensen said...

wow the musical forays of Brock Judkins continue into new and unkown places

Layla said...

you rock my world! And I really like your new song.

Unknown said...

Hey you,

I randomly (id est, through a series of Web-2.0-powered-connections) stumbled upon your blog today. I never would have taken you for a musician, but I really liked "Untitled" (and some of your other stuff, although Untitled seemed like a promising direction) - you should give me some more stuff to listen to. :)
