Tuesday, February 19, 2008

B is for Bowling

B is for Bowling. We went to the ACME Bowl in Southcenter and bowled together for the first time. Neither of us did very great.


Layla said...

Although we sucked at bowling, I still had lots of fun.

lindsey*jane said...

i really had no idea you were such a poet (speaking in reference to the link you gave me, not the bit on how you sucked at bowling..hehe)
they were phenomenal. and you know what? i read them all, every single one. funny...one of your lines reminded me of one of my own. neither line is amazing, but it's just that i noticed..
yours: "dreams of what could be and what should have been"
mine:: "tunes of what i should have done, who he should have been"

that's all. nothing major :)
anyway, you've inspired me brother. lately i've been putting too much thought into my poems, desperate for them to make sense and be structured like so...but i should just WRITE. i should let my mind go.